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The Men And Women Of EMS

Somewhere in the realm of society, located just between the security of sanity and the neurosis which precedes psychosis, we find a group of individuals who cling to life and death by a slender thread.

These people are those who make up what is known as E.M.S.

You may find these people located in various positions within the city in an effort to be prepared for the next possible disaster which could occur, hindered only by the natural obstacle's of daily traffic.

No other group of humanity can carry so many items in pockets which are strategically located in optimal positions on the body. Perhaps you will find scissors, bandages, tape, Chapstick™, combs or essential life sustaining items but one thing that is certain, the last paycheck has long since met it's demise and will not be found here.

With an overwhelming desire to sustain the flame of life from the last flicker of a spark which is near spent, these people cope on a daily basis with variables which few people can tolerate.

When things go right the public loves them, the newspapers ignore them and life goes on.

Then the earth shaking bill arrives which automatically turns everyone against them and publicity now surrounds them.

These individuals come from all walks of life with few standing on common ground until they meet in the surroundings of the insanity of the streets, then all seem to pull together with each needing the others to lean on for support and occasionally share the stories which create a flurry of mixed emotions.

What kind of people are these?

They are the people to whom for moments at a time you may need to trust with the life of yourself or loved ones.

The people who crawl into a twisted steel cage which once was a fine automobile to search for signs of life amongst it's occupants.

The calm voice on the other end of the telephone when it seems as though your world is crashing around you.

These people are the last to win the respect of their public and the first to be brought to court for the actions which were made on the spur of the moment in an environment of absolute chaos.

It makes me wonder what kind of dedication it must take to shoulder the task which has been placed in front of these individuals.


Author Unknown



Why God Made Paramedics

I Want To Tell You Lies

What's It All For?

Roadside Oneside

The Men And Women Of EMS

I Wish You Could See

Death Of An Innocent

The Heart Of EMS

T'was The Night Before Christmas: EMS Style

A Paramedic

Just Another Day In EMS

The Burned-Out Christmas Poem

Super-Human Or Not

What's Your Name?

Christmas Eve And The Life Of An EMT