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A Paramedic

A Paramedic reflects the value of a humane deed,
when called to serve another's hour of need.
Their missions are grim and training takes years,
expecting no fanfares and least of all cheers.
No restraints on gender or the shade of ones skin.
They're a dedicated group and fraternal within.
Working hand-in-hand with their Fire and Police brothers
they serve their community, and often....many others.
Their movements precise; tending a victim is swift,
when lives are in peril, their mere presence is a gift.
Unique is their concern for saving a life,
a God-given calling in this age of apathy and strife.
It's a labor of love...
 Often given little credit...
Always there when you need them...
The Paramedic


Why God Made Paramedics

I Want To Tell You Lies

What's It All For?

Roadside Oneside

The Men And Women Of EMS

I Wish You Could See

Death Of An Innocent

The Heart Of EMS

T'was The Night Before Christmas: EMS Style

A Paramedic

Just Another Day In EMS

The Burned-Out Christmas Poem

Super-Human Or Not

What's Your Name?

Christmas Eve And The Life Of An EMT