EMT Definitions Of
Firefighter Terms
- Alcohol Foams-
What happens when you shake a bottle of alcohol
- Backdraft - A
movie about firefighters
- Becket Bend - The
turn onto Becket Rd.
- Closet hook - What
you hang your jacket on
- Detroit door
opener - They have strange doors in Detroit
- Donut roll - A new
Dunkin Donuts treat
- Flashover - Too
many lights on the fire truck (it looks like a Christmas tree)
- Forward lay - The
missionary position
- Half sheep shank -
A hillbilly getting caught with the sheep before he is done
- Halligan - The
headlamps in the ambulance
- High expansion
foam - What you get when you open a warm beer
- Hose appliances -
Sex toys
- Hose bed - A poor
man's water bed
- Hose lays - Gets a
- Hump Hose -
Firefighters really need to get laid more often if they do this
- Kelly tool - What
you use to fix Kelly when she is bad
- Reverse lay -
Doggie style
- Water hammer - A
new tool for banging in nails with water
Nurse's Wish
A Paramedic's Wish
The Rules Of EMS
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The Difference Between
God And A Paramedic
EMT Definitions of
Firefighter Terms
New Mexico Law
Private Sector Annual
EMS Medical
EMS One-Liners
Things You Don't Want To
Hear During Surgery
EMS Run Report Acronyms
Redneck Dictionary Of
Medical Terms
Wanted: EMTs And Paramedics
Beast Medic From Hell