This way to Webrings, SiteRings and Net Rings!

This way to the Trauma Center!

This way to the Fire Station!

This way to EMS/Fire Links!

This way to Fred's House!

Send me an E-Mail!

Wanted: EMTs & Paramedics

Must be able to work long hours with frequent mandatory overtime. Few holidays and weekends off. Must be able to keep massive amounts of paperwork up to date while making split-second, life or death decisions. Must be immune to verbal abuse and able to neutralize the occasional physical assault. Must display patience, kindness, understanding and caring, even when personal life is coming apart at the seams. Must show no aversion to blood, vomit, oozing infections, or human body wastes. Salary is in no way commensurate with knowledge or ability. Only those interested in dealing with depressing situations on a daily basis need apply.



A Nurse's Wish

A Paramedic's Wish

The Rules Of EMS

You Might Be In EMS If...

The Difference Between God And A Paramedic

EMT Definitions of Firefighter Terms

New Mexico Law

Private Sector Annual Survey

EMS Medical Terminology

EMS One-Liners

Things You Don't Want To Hear During Surgery

EMS Run Report Acronyms

Redneck Dictionary Of Medical Terms

Wanted: EMTs And Paramedics

Beast Medic From Hell